... nuclei2.1
At the atomic energy scales which are of interest in this work, the nuclei are extremely well-described as massive point charges and their internal structure is safely neglected.
... particle2.2
We are neglecting spin in this discussion.
... eigenvalue2.3
For the case of eigenvalue degeneracy, the state-vector collapses to a vector lying in the subspace spanned by all of the eigenvectors corresponding to the measured eigenvalue.
... measurement2.4
Again, for the degenerate case, the probabilities must be summed for all eigenvectors corresponding to the measured eigenvalue.
... operators2.5
For a linear operator ${\hat O}$, ${\hat O}
(\alpha \vert A \rangle + \beta \vert B \rangle ) = \alpha {\hat O} \vert A \rangle +
\beta {\hat O} \vert B \rangle$.
... equation2.6
Atomic units are used throughout (unless otherwise stated): $\hbar = m_{\mathrm e} = e = 4 \pi \varepsilon_0 = 1$.
... problem2.7
The most notable exception to this rule is the motion of hydrogen, which is often treated using the path-integral formulation of quantum mechanics[9,10].
... express2.8
Berry [13] has recently proposed a non-relativistic explanation involving a geometric phase.
... operators2.9
Neither the creation nor annihilation operators are Hermitian, and so they do not correspond to physical observables.
... states3.1
Our restriction to non-spin-polarised systems requires that $N$ be even.
... potential3.2
The chemical hardness has been proposed as a quantity which gives a more reliable indication of pseudopotential transferability since it includes self-consistent effects [63,64].
... density-matrix4.1
The computational cost of diagonalising a sparse density-matrix scales as the square of the system-size.
... reciprocal-space7.1
The conventions used here for discrete Fourier transforms are

\begin{displaymath}{\tilde n}({\bf G}) = \sum_{\bf r} n({\bf r}) \exp(-{\mathrm ...
...} {\tilde n}({\bf G}) \exp({\mathrm i} {\bf G} \cdot {\bf r}). \end{displaymath}
