O-17 NMR spectrum Experimental and Computed (DFT) NMR O-17 lineshapes in orthoenstatite

This hands-on workshop is targeted towards experimentalists in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), vibrational (IR, Raman, INS) and core-level spectroscopy (XANES/EELS) who wish to use density functional methods in their research. It will also be of interest to computational researchers who want to incorporate results from these experimental techniques into their research.

Topics to be covered include:

O-17 NMR spectrum Experimental and calculated INS spectra of NaHF2

The workshop will be comprised of lectures and hands-on tutorials using the CASTEP code. The tutors are a mix of theoreticians involved in the development of computational methods, and experimentalists who have pioneered the use of simulations in their research. Time will be set aside for participants to discuss their own research projects with the tutors. The list of tutors will include:

Further Details

Teddy Hall St Edmund Hall

Location: The workshop will be based at the Department of Materials, Oxford University. Accommodation and evening meals will be at St Edmund Hall. St Edmund Hall is a small, picturesque college situated in the centre of the city. Oxford has good transport links to the rest of the UK, as well as regular coach services to major UK airports. (maps and further travel details will be posted soon).

Participation Fee: £100
Due to the generous funding from our sponsors we able to charge a fixed academic participation fee of £100. This includes course materials, refreshments, evening meals (inc conference dinner). For those living outside Oxford 5 nights bed and breakfast at St Edmund Hall is included in this fee (nights of Sunday 23rd to Thursday 27th August). (applicants working in industry are asked to contact Jonathan Yates for further details).

Payment should be by cheque payable to "Oxford University". If it is not possible to pay by cheque (eg if overseas) payment by credit-card is possible. Please note this requirement on the application form (details for credit card payment will be given when required). Participation will be confirmed shortly after the closing deadline. In the event that the workshop is over subscribed, cheques from unsuccessful applicants will be returned.

Application deadline: 30th April 2009
The deadline has passed, and we are unable to accept new applications. We will confirm participation early in the week of 10th May

The workshop is suitable for postgraduate students and researchers. Due to our funding we expect the majority of participants will be based at UK Universities and institutes, however, funded place are available for participants from non-UK institutions - and we encourage such applications.

Enquiries to Jonathan Yates jonathan.yates - at - materials.ox.ac.uk

On behalf of the workshop organisers
Chris Pickard (UCL)
Keith Refson (RAL/STFC)
Jonathan Yates (Oxford)

The workshop is supported financially by

Additional support is provided by


[CCP9] [CMSD] [Oxford Materials] [accelrys inc.]




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