TCM's Software Repository Server: AUP
For the avoidance of doubt, herewith some rules on the usage of the repository server. Most users will be covered by University rules anyway, but, in case you are not, here are some:
- The server is hosted by the Cambridge University Data Network and by the UK Joint Academic Network. Thus it must not be used to store or distribute data in a manner which would contravene the JANet AUP or UK law.
- All users must treat as privileged any information which may become available to them through the use of the server and which is not obviously intended for unrestricted dissemination; such information shall not be copied, modified, disseminated, or used, either in whole or in part, without the permission of the appropriate person or body. That a file is world-readable is not sufficient evidence that it is intended for unrestricted dissemination.
- The server may not be used to hold or process data which might be regarded as personal under the Data Protection Act 1998.
- Users consent that all accesses to the server are logged for the purposes of system administration, bug tracking, usage statistics and to trace misuse. In the case of misuse relevant information may be passed to security teams at other sites as part of an investigation. Otherwise the information is not passed to any third party except as required by law.
- Whilst every effort is made to prevent data loss, data corruption, and the leakage of data to third parties, the providers of the service can accept no liability should these events occur. Nor will any liability be accepted for loss of service, permanent or otherwise, or for any other cause.
This AUP may be updated from time to time.