Mike Payne's 60th Birthday
Celebratory Symposium
Pembroke College, Cambridge (view map)
Saturday 11th January 2020

This symposium celebrated the life and work of Professor Mike Payne on the occasion of his 60th birthday. There were 18 invited talks from people who have worked closely with Mike at various stages of his career, covering both the areas of research in which Mike has been active as well as the communities he has supported.
The symposium was followed by a drinks reception and dinner in Hall hosted by Lord Smith, the Master of Pembroke.
The schedule is available here.
Organisers: Gábor Csányi, Peter Haynes, Nicola Marzari, Arash Mostofi and Chris Pickard.
List of Speakers
- Sebastian Ahnert, Sainsbury Laboratory, University of Cambridge
- Daniel Cole, School of Natural & Environmental Sciences, Newcastle University -- presentation online
- Nigel Cooper, Pembroke College and Theory of Condensed Matter, University of Cambridge
- Gábor Csányi, Pembroke College and Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge -- presentation online
- Rex Godby, Department of Physics, University of York -- presentation online
- Peter Haynes, Department of Materials, Imperial College London -- presentation online
- Volker Heine, Theory of Condensed Matter, University of Cambridge -- transcript online
- Richard Jennings, Cambridge Enterprise -- presentation online
- Guy Makov, Department of Materials Engineering, Ben-Gurion University -- presentation online
- Nicola Marzari, Institute of Materials, EPFL -- presentation online
- Robert Mears, Atomera Inc
- Carla Molteni, Department of Physics, King's College London -- presentation online
- Rubén Pérez, Department of Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, Autonomous University of Madrid -- presentation online
- Chris Pickard, Department of Materials Science & Metallurgy, University of Cambridge
- Matthew Segall, Optibrium Ltd -- presentation online
- Chris-Kriton Skylaris, Department of Chemistry, University of Southampton -- presentation online
- Ivan Štich, Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences
- Ashok Venkitaraman, MRC Cancer Unit, University of Cambridge -- presentation online
- Welcome by Lord Smith
- Session 1: Nicola Marzari, Ivan Štich, Guy Makov
- Session 2: Robert Mears, Rubén Pérez, Carla Molteni
- Session 3: Richard Jennings, Matt Segall, Chris Pickard
- Session 4: Peter Haynes, Gábor Csányi, Sebastian Ahnert
- Session 5: Ashok Venkitaraman, Chris Skylaris, Daniel Cole
- Session 6: Rex Godby, Nigel Cooper, Volker Heine
- Audience: [1] [2]
- Cake: [1] [2] [cf Fig. 14 of Rev. Mod. Phys. 64, 1045 (1992)]
- Group: [1] [2]