UoC crest

Research Highlights

A short, engaging, title

Author list, with links to profiles / personal pages as appropriate.

Some text, marked up in the usual HTML fashion, briefly describing one's work to a general audience.

some text to aid screen-readers for the blind

An optional figure caption. If the image is a bitmap, it should be no more than 800 pixels wide, and should be readable when 350 pixels wide.

Some more text. This will appear to the left of the figure, and eventually flowing down below it.

Save for the use of img in the figure, everything needed to display this page should be within this one file, so that it continues to work when it, and any image, are copied elsewhere. Links (absolute) to other pages are fine.

The whole page should display without scrollbars in a window set to the height of a standard 1920x1080 monitor

The text should end with a reference to the full publication. The form used in one's web profile is fine, save that there is no list, so omit <li> and </li>.