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Paulo V.C. Medeiros

Dr Paulo V.C. Medeiros

Dr Paulo V.C. Medeiros

Postdoc in Dr Morris's group

Office: 513 Mott Bld
Phone: +44(0)1223 7 46644
Email: pvm20 @

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Researcher-ID: A-6411-2010

ORCID: 0000-0002-7803-9058

TCM Group, Cavendish Laboratory
19 JJ Thomson Avenue,
Cambridge, CB3 0HE UK.

Research Image


I am a Post-Doctoral Research Associate in the Cavendish Laboratory at The University of Cambridge. I am a member of Dr  Andrew Morris' group, within the Theory of Condensed Matter (TCM) group.

My current research involves using the Ab initio random structure searching (AIRSS) methodology to unravel the atomic structures of one-dimensional (1D) nanowires encapsulated inside carbon nanotubes. I am also interested in the modeling of the electronic structure, as well as of the spectroscopic properties of such materials. We work closely with our theoretician and experimentalist partners at the University of Warwick to provide the most accurate characterization of such extreme nanowires. These materials are promising candidates for applications such as the design of nano-phase-change materials for use in high-efficiency solid-state storage devices, or even to be used as interconnecting elements between components in nanocircuits.

I am also interested in 2D, layered and surface systems, as well as in method development and their computational implementation in general. I am the author of BandUP, a free and open-source band unfolding code for plane wave based calculations. Please do contact me if you have queries about BandUP, and feel free to get in touch when you publish something using the code, so I can include your paper/preprint in the list of publications using BandUP.

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In Plain English

I am currently working on the development, implementation and application of efficient methodologies to search for novel 1D materials and calculate their properties. I am also interested in other low-dimensional materials, such as 2D structures and surfaces, as well as in general methodologies and their computational implementation.