Lecture 1. Problems
Phases and Phase Transitions. Symmetry and Symmetry Breaking.
Lecture 2 Problems
Mean Field Approximation
and Landau
Theory of type II
Phase Transitions
Lecture 3 Problems
Digression on Superconductivity
Lecture 4 Problems
Thermal Fluctuations and
Stability. Validity of the Mean Field Description
Upper Critical Dimension.
Lecture 5 Problems
Fluctuations in One-dimensional Systems.
Lecture 6 Problems
Renormalisation Group at Upper Critical Dimension
Lecture 7 Problems
RG at Upper Critical Dimension. Continuation.
Lecture 8 Problems
RG at an Arbitrary
Dimentsion. Scaling.
Fractional Dimension.
Calculation of Indexes.
Lecture 9 Problems
Perturbations of Scaling
and Irrelevant Perturbations.
Lecture 10 Problems
One more Digression on Superconductivity.
Lecture 11 Problems
Superfluidity of Thin Helium
Films. Lecture 12
Transition. Appendix 1
Defects of Ordered Phases and their Topological Classification.
Appendix 2
First nearly Second Type Phase Transition in Compressible Solids
Appendix 3
Polymer Statistics.
Appendix 4
Operator Algebra. Conformal Invariance, Conformal
Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Transition.
remains to be understood.
Bootstrap and Speciality of Dimension Two.