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Subroutine IPModel_startElement_handler

\begin{verbatim}call IPModel_startElement_handler(URI,localname,name,attributes)\end{verbatim}

XML param reader functions. An example for the input file. First the general parameters and pair terms:

\begin{verbatim}<SW_params n_types=''2'' l...
...a=''1.80'' sigma=''2.0951'' eps=''2.1675'' />\end{verbatim}

Now the triplet terms: atnum_c is the center atom, neighbours j and k

\begin{verbatim}<per_triplet_data atnum_c=...
...amma=''1.20'' eps=''2.1675'' />

URI -- character(len=*), intent(in)

localname -- character(len=*), intent(in)

name -- character(len=*), intent(in)

attributes -- type(dictionary_t), intent(in)

IPModel_endElement_handler subroutine

gabor 2009-06-30