- classical_args -- character(STRING_LENGTH)
Arguments used to initialise classical potential
- classical_args_str -- character(STRING_LENGTH)
Arguments used by Calc Potential
- classical_force_reweight, minim_gfac -- real(dp)
- minim_force_tol, minim_energy_tol -- real(dp)
- simulation_spring_constant -- real(dp)
- qm_args -- character(STRING_LENGTH)
Arguments used to initialise QM potential
- qm_args_str -- character(STRING_LENGTH)
Arguments used by QM potential
- minim_end, simulation_hybrid, simulation_restart -- logical
- simulation_climbing, simulation_newtangent -- logical
- chain_mobile_last, chain_mobile_first -- logical
- minim_end_method -- character(STRING_LENGTH)
Minimisation method: use cg for conjugate gradients or sd for steepest descent.
See minim() in libAtoms/minimisation.f95 for details.
- minim_end_tol -- real(dp)
Target force tolerance - geometry optimisation is considered to be
converged when
- minim_end_eps_guess -- real(dp)
Initial guess for line search step size
- minim_end_max_steps -- integer
Maximum number of minimisation steps.
- minim_end_linminroutine -- character(STRING_LENGTH)
Linmin routine, e.g. FAST_LINMIN for classical potentials with total energy, or
LINMIN_DERIV when doing a LOTF hybrid simulation and only forces are available.
- minim_max_steps, io_print_interval -- integer
- simulation_climbing_steps, chain_nfix -- integer
- chain_nimages -- integer
- io_verbosity -- integer
Output verbosity. In XML file, this should be specified as one of
- simulation_method, chain_first_conf -- character(STRING_LENGTH)
- chain_last_conf -- character(STRING_LENGTH)
- simulation_freq_rep -- integer
Frequency of reparametrization for string method