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Subroutine spline_compute_matrices

\begin{verbatim}call spline_compute_matrices(this,y2_matrix1,y2_matrix0)\end{verbatim}

The y2 of the spline can also be computed using linear algebra. Following Numerical Recipes,

A Y'' = BY + C

where $A$, $B$ are matrices, $C$ is a vector so

Y'' = A^{-1} B Y + A^{-1} C

This subroutine computes these matrices, and stores them in spline%y2_matrix1 = inv(A)*B and spline%y2_matrix0 = inv(A)*C

this -- type(spline), intent(in)

y2_matrix1 -- real(dp), dimension(:,:), intent(out)

y2_matrix0 -- real(dp), dimension(:), intent(out)

spline_value function

gabor 2009-06-30