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Interface print

\begin{verbatim}call print(string[,verbosi...
...t(real[,verbosity,file,precision, &

Overloaded interface for printing. With the this parameter omitted output goes to the default mainlog (stdout). The verbosity parameter controls whether the object is actually printed; if the verbosity is greater than that currently at the top of the verbosity stack then output is suppressed. Possible verbosity levels range from ERROR through NORMAL, VERBOSE, NERD and ANAL. Other user-defined types define the Print interface in the same way.

string -- character(*), intent(in)

verbosity -- integer, optional, intent(in)

file -- type(Inoutput), optional, target, intent(in)

char_a -- character(len=*), dimension(:)

log -- logical, intent(in)

int -- integer, intent(in)

real -- real(dp), intent(in)

precision -- integer, optional, intent(in)

format -- character(*), optional, intent(in)

write_binary interface

gabor 2009-06-30