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Interface read_binary

\begin{verbatim}call read_binary(int,file)...
call read_binary(ca2,file)\end{verbatim}

Read scalar and array data from binary files. These interfaces are heavily overloaded to cater for all intrinsic and most derived types.

int -- integer, intent(out)

file -- type(inoutput), intent(inout)

r -- real(dp) or complex(dp)

l -- logical

c -- character(*)

intv -- integer, dimension(:)

rv -- dimension(:), real(dp) or complex(dp)

lv -- logical, dimension(:)

cv -- character(*), dimension(:)

inta2 -- integer, intent(inout), dimension(:,:)

ra2 -- intent(inout), dimension(:,:), real(dp) or complex(dp)

la2 -- logical, intent(inout), dimension(:,:)

ca2 -- character(*), intent(inout), dimension(:,:)

read_line interface

gabor 2009-06-30