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Subroutine system_initialise

\begin{verbatim}call system_initialise([ve...
..._all_inoutput,common_seed, &

Must be called at the start of all programs. Initialises MPI if present, set the random number seed sets up the default Inoutput objects logger and errorlog to point to stdout and stderr respectively. Calls Hello_World to do some of the work and print a friendly welcome. If we're using MPI, by default we set the same random seed for each process. This also attempts to read the executable name, the number of command arguments, and the arguments themselves.

verbosity -- integer, intent(in), optional

mainlog output verbosity

seed -- integer, intent(in), optional

Seed for the random number generator.

mpi_all_inoutput -- logical, intent(in), optional

Print on all MPI nodes (false by default)

common_seed -- logical, intent(in), optional

enable_timing -- logical, intent(in), optional

Enable system_timer() calls If common_seed is true (default), random seed will be the same for each MPI process.

get_cmd_arg subroutine

gabor 2009-06-30