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Function round

\begin{verbatim}r = round(r,digits)\end{verbatim}

Concatenation functions. Overloadings for the // operator to make strings from various other types. In each case, we need to work out the exact length of the resultant string in order to avoid printing excess spaces. Return a string which is the real number r rounded to digits decimal digits

r -- real(dp), intent(in)

digits -- integer, intent(in)

Return value -- character( int(0.5_dp-sign(0.5_dp,r), ) + int(log10(max(1.0_dp,abs(r)+0.5_dp*10.0_dp**(-digits)))) + 1 + int(sign(0.5_dp,real(digits,dp)-0.5_dp)+0.5_dp) + max(0, digits))

int_format_length function

gabor 2009-06-30