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int -- integer, allocatable, dimension(:,:)

(intsize,N) array of integer data

real -- real(dp), allocatable, dimension(:,:)

(realsize,N) array of real data

str -- character(TABLE_STRING_LENGTH), allocatable, dimension(:,:)

(strsize,N) array of string data

logical -- logical, allocatable, dimension(:,:)

(logicalsize,N) array of logical data

increment -- integer

How many rows to grow the table by on reallocation (default 1000)

max_length -- integer

Initial maximum length of the table before the first reallocation (default 100)

intsize -- integer

Number of integer columns

realsize -- integer

Number of real columns

strsize -- integer

Number of string columns

logicalsize -- integer

Number of logical columns

N -- integer

Number of rows

allocate interface

gabor 2009-06-30