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Interface append

\begin{verbatim}call append(this[,intpart,...,intpart,realpart)
call append(this,other)\end{verbatim}

Append rows to a table. Overloaded to be able to append single elements, arrays or other tables.

this -- type(Table), intent(inout)

intpart -- integer, intent(in), optional, scalar or dimension(:) or dimension(:,:)

realpart -- real(dp), intent(in), optional, scalar or dimension(:) or dimension(:,:)

strpart -- character(TABLE_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in), optional, scalar or dimension(:) or dimension(:,:)

logicalpart -- logical, intent(in), optional, scalar or dimension(:) or dimension(:,:)

intpart_2D -- integer, intent(in), optional, dimension(:,:)

realpart_2D -- real(dp), intent(in), optional, dimension(:,:)

strpart_2D -- character(TABLE_STRING_LENGTH), intent(in), optional, dimension(:,:)

logicalpart_2D -- logical, intent(in), optional, dimension(:,:)

blank_rows -- integer, optional, intent(in)

other -- type(table), intent(in)

append_column interface

gabor 2009-06-30