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type -- integer

One of the types listed above

gamma -- real(dp)

Friction coefficient in Langevin and Nose-Hoover-Langevin

eta -- real(dp)

$\eta$ variable in Nose-Hoover

p_eta -- real(dp)

$p_\eta$ variable in Nose-Hoover and Nose-Hoover-Langevin

f_eta -- real(dp)

The force on the Nose-Hoover(-Langevin) conjugate momentum

Q -- real(dp)

Thermostat mass in Nose-Hoover and Nose-Hoover-Langevin

T -- real(dp)

Target temperature

Ndof -- real(dp)

The number of degrees of freedom of atoms attached to this thermostat

work -- real(dp)

Work done by this thermostat

initialise interface

gabor 2009-06-30