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Function carve_cluster

\begin{verbatim}cluster = carve_cluster(at,args_str,cluster_info)\end{verbatim}

The output cluster contains all properties of the initial atoms object, and some additional columns, which are: "index" : index of the cluster atoms into the initial atoms object. "termindex": nonzero for termination atoms, and is an index into the cluster atoms specifiying which atom is being terminated, it is used in collecting the forces. "rescale" : a real number which for nontermination atoms is 1.0, for termination atoms records the scaling applied to termination bond lengths "shift" : the shift of each atom

at -- type(Atoms), intent(in), target

args_str -- character(len=*), intent(in)

cluster_info -- type(Table), intent(in)

Return value -- type(Atoms)

create_cluster_info_from_hybrid_mark function

gabor 2009-06-30