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Function linmin_deriv_iter_simple

\begin{verbatim}linmin = linmin_deriv_iter...
...,xdir,dx0,y, &

Simplified Iterative version of linmin_deriv that avoid taking large steps by iterating the extrapolation to zero gradient. It does not try to reduce the bracketing interval on both sides at every step

x0 -- real(dp), dimension(:)

Starting vector

xdir -- real(dp), dimension(:)

Search direction

dx0 -- real(dp), dimension(:)

Initial gradient

y -- real(dp), dimension(:)


epsilon -- real(dp)

Initial step

do_line_scan -- logical, optional

Function dfunc(x) -- real(dp), dimension(size(x))

x -- real(dp), dimension(:)

Return value -- integer

damped_md_minim function

gabor 2009-06-30