it takes an argument string on initialization with one mandatory parameter
and two optional parameters
which defaults to pos, and
which default to zero. If min_cutoff is non zero and the cell is narrower
than in any direction then it will be replicated before
being written to the file. The forces are taken from the primitive cell
and the energy is reduced by a factor of the number of repeated copies.
The command takes 2 arguments, the names of the input and the output files. command output is in extended xyz form.
energy and virial (both optional) are passed via the comment, labeled as energy=E and virial="vxx vxy vxz vyx vyy vyz vzx vzy vzz".
per atoms data is at least atomic type and optionally a local energy (labeled local_e:R:1) and forces (labeled force:R:3)
right now (14/2/2008) the atoms_xyz reader requires the 1st 3 columns after the atomic type to be the position.
If you ask for some quantity from FilePot_Calc and it's not in the output file, it returns an error status or crashes (if err isn't present).