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Convergence tests

Use a direct diagonalization method to test the basis set only and vary the: Present results for a selection of simple molecules and crystals[*].
Results for molecules
  $N_{\rm {sphere}} = 2$ $N_{\rm {sphere}} = 3$
$\ell_{\rm {max}}$ $\delta r_{\rm {opt}}$ (%) $\delta f$ (%) $\delta r_{\rm {opt}}$ (%) $\delta f$ (%)
1 10.0 55 2.4 8.1
2 0.6 3.1 0.01 0.03
3 0.07 0.3    
  $N_{\rm {sphere}} = 2$ $N_{\rm {sphere}} = 3$
$\ell_{\rm {max}}$ $\delta r_{\rm {opt}}$ (%) $\delta f$ (%) $\delta r_{\rm {opt}}$ (%) $\delta f$ (%)
2 0.2 0.8 0.01 0.02
  $N_{\rm {sphere}} = 2$ $N_{\rm {sphere}} = 3$
$\ell_{\rm {max}}$ $\delta r_{\rm {opt}}$ (%) $\delta f$ (%) $\delta r_{\rm {opt}}$ (%) $\delta f$ (%)
2 0.04 0.2 0.02 0.1

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Peter D. Haynes 2001-11-09