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Appendix A

The pseudo-code for solving the generalized eigenvalue problem $H x = \varepsilon S x $ based on the block update procedure is as follows, where $H$, $S$ and $T$ denote the $N \times N $ Hamiltonian, overlap and kinetic energy matrices respectively. Let $X^{(k)} = \left[
X^{(k)}_1,X^{(k)}_2,\ldots,X^{(k)}_M \right]$ be an $N \times M$ matrix where $X^{(k)}_i$ is the $i$-th column of $X^{(k)}$, and $k$ labels the iteration.

The procedure is then:

$k := 1$ 

Choose $X^{(1)}$
Choose convergence tolerance $\epsilon$
Orthonormalize $X^{(1)}$ (Gram-Schmidt)
Calculate $\Omega^{(1)}$
Choose $\Omega^{(0)}$ such that $\left\vert \Omega^{(1)} - \Omega^{(0)}\right\vert > \epsilon$
$F^{(0)} := 0$
$A^{(0)} := 0$
$\gamma^{(0)}_1 := 1$
while $\left\vert \Omega^{(k)} - \Omega^{(k-1)} \right\vert > \epsilon$ do
$Y^{(k)} := H X^{(k)}$
$Z^{(k)} := S X^{(k)}$
$P^{(k)} := (X^{(k)})^T Y^{(k)}$
$F^{(k)} := Y^{(k)} - Z^{(k)}P^{(k)}$
Solve $(S+T/\tau)B^{(k)} = F^{(k)}$
$C^{(k)} := (Z^{(k)})^T B^{(k)}$
$G^{(k)} := B^{(k)} - X^{(k)}C^{(k)}$
$\gamma^{(k)}_1 := {\mathrm{tr}}\left( (G^{(k)})^T F^{(k)} \right)$
$\gamma^{(k)}_2 := {\mathrm{tr}}\left( (G^{(k)})^T F^{(k-1)}\right)$
$\gamma^{(k)} := \left( \gamma^{(k)}_1 - \gamma^{(k)}_2 \right) /\gamma^{(k-1)}_1$
$A^{(k)} := -G^{(k)} + \gamma^{(k)} A^{(k-1)}$
$E^{(k)} := (Z^{(k)})^T A^{(k)}$
$D^{(k)} := A^{(k)} - X^{(k)}E^{(k)}$
$\lambda_{\mathrm{opt}} := {\mathrm{linmin}}(X^{(k)},D^{(k)})$ (see Appendix B)
$X^{(k+1)} := X^{(k)} + \lambda_{\mathrm{opt}} D^{(k)}$
Orthonormalize $X^{(k+1)}$ (Gram-Schmidt)
Calculate $\Omega^{(k+1)}$
$k := k + 1$

In some applications, individual eigenvalues are needed. They can be obtained by a subspace rotation method where we simply need to diagonalize the $ M \times M $ matrix $ X^T H X $. If $U$ diagonalizes $ X^T H X $ such that $ U^T ( X^T H X) U = $ diag( $\varepsilon_1,\varepsilon_2,\ldots,\varepsilon_M$), we obtain the individual eigenvalues $\{ \varepsilon_i; i = 1,\ldots, M \}$ with corresponding eigenvectors $ X' = XU $.

Peter Haynes