TCM at Sixty: Timetable
The event will be marked on Friday 10th July 2015. The provisional timetable is as follows:
13:30 Talks
A series of scientific talks in the Pippard Lecture Theatre delivered by TCM alumni.
13:30: Prof Chris Pickard (UCL, and Cottrell Professor of Materials Science (Cambridge) elect) From electrons to atoms - randomly searching for new materials
14:00: Prof Robin Ball (Warwick) Fermions as an Emergent Phenomenon
14:30: Prof Peter Littlewood (Director, Argonne National Laboratory) Screening of elastic forces in complex oxides
15:00 Photograph
15:15 Tea
Break for tea and coffee.
15:45 The History of TCM
The History of TCM, by Prof Volker Heine.
16:00 Talks
A series of talks given by a selection of TCM's alumni who have left academia.
16:00: Dr Matt Segall (Optibrium Ltd) From TCM to Drug Discovery: The ups and downs of biotech
16:20: Dr Alix Pryde (Vodafone) Physics to the Rescue! - How I've used my physics background to solve business problems
16:40: Dr Ian Graham (Liverpool FC) Why would a Football Club hire a Physicist?
17:00 Garden Party (Payne's Pond)
19:00 Reception and Dinner (Clare College)
19:00 Reception at Clare College for those taking dinner there.
19:30 Dinner at Clare College (menu)

Ten years ago: Volker Heine with the SST / TCM 50th Birthday Cake.
Back to TCM at Sixty.