Antonio Štrkalj

Dr Antonio Štrkalj
Swiss Nat. Sci. Foundation Fellow
Postdoc in Prof Castelnovo's group
Office: 544 Mott Bld
TCM Group, Cavendish Laboratory
19 JJ Thomson Avenue,
Cambridge, CB3 0HE UK.

A general topic of my research is the mesoscopic physics of low-dimensional systems. My research is divided into three parts:
- Strongly correlated 1D systems (i.e., quantum wires) that host the Luttinger liquid phase. I am interested in how the environment and impurities affect the transport properties of the interacting electrons in one dimension.
- Effects of correlated disorder on the localization properties of closed quantum systems. I investigate how the quasiperiodic external potentials cause the coherent localization of wavelike particles in both single-particle and many-body quantum systems. My recent work is concentrated around the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of many-body quasiperiodic systems. Among other things, I am interested in the stability of the many-body localization in specific two-dimensional tight-binding models.
- Transport properties of materials with non-trivial band structures. Here I study how the quantum effects, like the Fabry-Pérot interference, can emerge in macroscopic two-dimensional devices made of materials with complex band structures.
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