Publications 1980 - 1989
(40) Computer Simulation of Hairpin Dynamics in Worm-like Main Chain Nematic
Polymer Liquid Crystals
DRM Williams and M Warner, Polymer 30 69-70 (1989)
(39) Anomalous Dielectric and Non Linear Optical Response in Main and Side
Chain Polymeric Nematic and Smectic Liquid Crystals
M Warner, MRS Proceedings 134 61-71 (1989).
(38) Torsional Defects, Dielectric Response and Dynamics of Comb Polymer
Liquid Crystals
M Warner and H Liu, Liquid Crystals 4 325-340 (1989).
(37) Theory of Side Chain Polymer Liquid Crystals
M Warner, Chapter 2 of Side Chain Polymer Liquid Crystals, ed. CB McArdle,
Blackie (1989)
(36) Higher Order Director Fluctuations
RL and RR Vold and M Warner, J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. II 84 997-1013
(35) The Theory of Competing Nematic Phases of Comb Polymers
W Renz and M Warner, Proc. Roy. Soc. A417 213-233 (1988)
(34) Transitions in Nematic Networks
KP Gelling and M Warner, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 155 539 (1988)
(33) A Scaling Approach to Elasticity and Flow in Solid Foams
M Warner and SF Edwards, Europhysics Letters 5 623-628 (1988)
doi: 10.1209/0295-5075/5/7/009
(32) Phases and Conformations of Comb Polymer Liquid Crystals
M Warner, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 155 433 (1988)
(31) Theory of Nematic Networks
M Warner, KP Gelling and TA Vilgis, J. Chem. Phys. 88 4008 (1988)
(30) Giant Dielectric Response and Hairpins in Polymeric Nematics
JMF Gunn and M Warner, Phys. Rev. Letts. 58 393 (1987)
(29) Field Effects and the Critical Point in Polymeric Nematics
Wang X-J and M Warner, Phys. Letts. 119A 181 (1986)
(28) Layer Hopping by Chains in Polymeric Smectics
W Renz and M Warner, Phys. Rev. Letts. 56 1268 (1986)
(27) Theory of Nematic Comb-like Polymers
Wang X-J and M Warner, J. Phys. A20 713-731 (1987)
doi: 10.1088/0305-4470/20/3/033
(26) Theory of Nematic Back-bone Polymer Phases and Conformations
Wang X-J and M Warner, J. Phys. A19 2215-27 (1986)
(25) The Stability of Quasi Two-Dimensional Lattices of Magnetic Holes
M Warner and RM Hornreich, J. Phys. A18 2325-41 (1985)
(24) Rod to Coil Transitions in Nematic Polymers
M Warner, JMF Gunn and A Baumgärtner, J. Phys. A18 3007-3026 (1985)
(23) Frequency Dependence of NMR Spin-Lattice Relaxation in Bilayer
JA Marqusee, M Warner and KA Dill, J. Chem. Phys. 81 6404 (1984)
(22) Inelastic Neutron Scattering from Lattices, Molecular Crystals and
M Warner and JMF Gunn, pages 289-326 in NATO ARW 112, Condensed Matter
Research using Neutrons, Today and Tomorrow, March 1984, ed. SW Lovesey
and R Scherm, Plenum Press.
(21) A Multiple Scattering Treatment of the Neutron Refractive Index
M Warner and JE Gubernatis, Phys. Rev. B32 6347 (1985)
(20) The Effect of High Momentum Transfer on Scattering from Oscillators and
JMF Gunn and M Warner, Z. Phys. B56 13 (1984)
(19) Fluctuations, Mean Fields and the Order Parameter in Nematics
M Warner, Mol. Phys. 52 677 (1984)
(18) Powder Averages for Neutron Spectroscopy of Anisotropic Molecular
J Tomkinson, M Warner and AD Taylor, Mol. Phys. 51 381-392 (1984)
(17) A New Theory of Nematic Liquid Crystal Mixtures
C Counsell and M Warner, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 100 307-326 (1983)
(16) Chain Distributions and Interaction Parameters in Deuterated Polymer
M Warner, JS Higgins and AJ Carter, Macromol. 16 1931 (1983)
(15) The Theory of Neutron Scattering from Mixed Harmonic Solids
M Warner, SW Lovesey and J Smith, Z. Phys B51 109 (1983)
(14) Theory of Light Scattering from Vesicles
M Warner, Colloid and Polymer Science 261 502 (1983)
(13) A New Theory of the Equilibrium Properties of Nematic Liquid Crystals
M Warner, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 80 79-104 (1982)
(12) The Specification of Steric Constraints in Nematic Liquid Crystals
M Warner, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 80 67-78 (1982)
(11) The Dynamics of Particular Points on a Polymer Chain
M Warner, J. Phys. A14 4985 (1981)
(10) The Behaviour of Slip-Linked Rubbers
RC Ball, M Doi, SF Edwards and M Warner, Polymer 22 1010 (1981)
(9) Spin Correlations Close to the Critical Concentration in Cr-Fe Alloys
SK Burke, BD Rainford and M Warner, J. Mag. and Mag. Mat. 15-18 259 (1980)
(8) The Phase Equilibria in Thermotropic and Lyotropic Liquid Crystals
M Warner and PJ Flory, J. Chem. Phys. 73 6327 (1980)
(7) Interaction Energies in Nematogens
M Warner, J. Chem. Phys. 73 5874 (1980)
(6) A van der Waals Theory with Quartic Gradients
M Warner, Chem. Phys. Letts 70 155 (1980)
(5) The Effect of Disorder on the Spectrum of a Hermitean Matrix
SF Edwards and M Warner, J. Phys. A13 381-396 (1980)