2010/10/15-16 AWGMSI
15th and 16th October 2010, Royal Holloway, University of London

General Concepts: The Advanced Working Group on Monopoles in Spin ice aims at bringing together researchers already informed or active in the field. While the programme will include short reviews on specific aspects and experimental techniques, it will be assumed that the participants are acquainted with the physics of monopole quasi-particles in spin ice materials from both a theoretical and experimental point of view. The programme will be comprised of focused 1 – 2 hour colloquia on specific topics, together with chaired discussion periods during which previous themes will be revisited. Each colloquium will begin with one or two review presentations, of maximum length 30 minutes, introducing the specific topic and related open questions. This introduction will be followed by discussion, which can be motivated by short presentations of 5 minutes and two transparencies. Calls will be made to participants wishing to make short presentations.
Steve Bramwell, Claudio Castelnovo, Peter Holdsworth, Roderich Moessner
Gabriel Aeppli
Peter Baker
Steve Blundell
Tom Fennell
Jason Gardner
Sean Giblin
Michel Gingras
Santiago Grigera
Jon Goff
Ludovic Jaubert
Bastian Klemke
Isabelle Mirebeau
Jonathan Morris
Shigeki Onoda
Martin Orendac
Oleg Petrenko
Dharmalingam Prabhakaran
Jorge Quintanilla
Nic Shannon
Andrew Taylor
Alan Tennant
Yasutomo Uemura (remote link)
An needs to be completed in order to obtain a reimbursement for your expenses. Note that ‘Your Ref’ box should be left blank. Visitors from the UK will be reimbursed by cheque so it is important they complete the address section. Overseas claimants will be paid by electronic transfer so it is important they include all the bank details requested on the form. Original receipts need to be attached (affixed onto a piece of A4 paper and numbered to correspond to the item number they are listed as on the form). Electronic receipts need to be printed and attached to the forms.
Please complete the form and mail it with the receipts directly to:
Claire Porter
room W115
Department of Physics
Royal Holloway College, University of London
Egham, Surrey
TW20 0EX
United Kingdom
European Science Fundation (Highly Frustrated Magnetism activity), Royal
Holloway Physics Department and SEPnet.