2011/10/21-22 AWGNPCG
21st and 22nd of October 2011, Royal Holloway, University of London

General Concepts: The Advanced Working Group on Nonequilibrium Phenomena in low-dimensional Cold Gases is intended to stimulate discussions between theorists and experimentalists on nonequilibrium (quantum) dynamics in low-dimensional cold atomic gases. Topics we hope to cover in the meeting include:
1) quantum quenches in low-D systems and thermalization
2) impurities and other local perturbations
3) fermion-boson mixtures and spinor condensates
The meeting is centered around a small number of invited overview talks, which are intended to discuss the state of the art in the field and highlight interesting issues and open questions. These overview talks will be complemented by a limited number of short presentations, where participants -- including the overview speakers -- have the opportunity to present their own latest results, ongoing work, or comment on results by other theoretical or experimental groups. An integral part of the workshop will be extended organised discussion sessions, where topics of current interest are debated and future lines of research are identified. The key objective of the meeting is to generate lively and active discussions.
Claudio Castelnovo, Fabian Essler, Andrew Ho, Corinna Kollath, Michael Koehl, and Jorge Quintanilla
- E.Altman
- J.Bhaseen
- K.Bongs
- P.Calabrese
- J.Cardy
- JS.Caux
- M.Cheneau
- F.Chevy
- N.Cooper
- T.Enss
- C.Foot
- D.Gangardt
- F.Gerbier
- T.Giamarchi
- L.Hackermuller
- Z.Hadzibabic
- A.Lamacraft
- G.Mussardo
- H-C.Nagerl
- A.Polkovnikov
- A.Silva
- S.Simon
- D.Stamper-Kurn
- K.vanDruten
- D.Weiss
Travel and Lodging Information
A map of the Royal Holloway Grounds can be found here.Dinner will be served in the Founder's Building (No.1 on the campus map); the entrance is where the curly "i" of "information point" is located on the map.
Accommodation is provided at the following locations:
The conference venue is the Kingswood Blue Room at Royal Holloway Kingswood Campus, Egham, TW20 0LG.
(Post codes are extremely precise in the UK and inserting the post code alone in Google Maps will direct you precisely to the place you are looking for.)
An needs to be completed in order to obtain a reimbursement for your expenses. Note that ‘Your Ref’ box should be left blank. Visitors from the UK will be reimbursed by cheque so it is important they complete the address section. Overseas claimants will be paid by electronic transfer so it is important they include all the bank details requested on the form. Original receipts need to be attached (affixed onto a piece of A4 paper and numbered to correspond to the item number they are listed as on the form). Electronic receipts need to be printed and attached to the forms. Please complete the form and mail it with the receipts directly to:
Claire Porter
room W115
Department of Physics
Royal Holloway College, University of London
Egham, Surrey
TW20 0EX
United Kingdom
Royal Holloway
Physics Department,
EPSRC, and