How to get and
Paratec Documentation
Paratec Documentation
How to get and run paratec
Where to find paratec
How to run paratec
Input files
Output files
How to compile and run on different machines
Some tips on porting paratec
Some performance numbers on various machines
How to change paratec
Changes in Paratec 5.0
Basic paratec usage
Entering the crystal structure
Relaxing the crystal
The job variable
Deciding how much to relax
Plane wave code parameters
Plane wave job
Cutoff Energies
K-point grid and gaussian smearing
Number of bands
Pseudopotential format
Advanced relaxation parameters
Specifying the crystal structure
Inversion and symmetry
Specifying an initial strain
Relaxing a structure
Controlling the relaxation process
Constraining the relaxation
Initialization of the inverse of the Hessian matrix
Advanced plane wave code parameters
Plane wave code jobs
Exchange correlation functional
Diagonalization Methods
Kpoint grid
Number of bands
Occupation numbers and gaussian smearing
Self-consistent mixing methods
Self-consistent iteration
Options for improved stress
Getting extra outputs and other interesting stuff
External potential
NMR shift
Additional Files
NMR options
Running NMR jobs
Calculating the induced current
NMR shift
Band structure computation
Density of states (DOS)
Momentum density
GW Interface and Usage
GW Interface
Example: Si
Tensor Data
Line plots
Slice plots
Visualizing wave functions
Visualizing the charge density
Plotting the potential
Ball and stick model
Spin polarized calculations and magnetic field
Applying a magnetic field
Reading additional input
Getting additional output
Funky extra flags
Optimization flags
Helpful tools and stuff
Paratec Perl Library
Erratum etc.
Known difficulties
About this document ...
Jonathan Yates 2001-05-10