If you make a change to paratec, please make note of the change you make in the CHANGES file. This way you (and others) can tell what has changed in each version.
When you want to archive a version of the code, or give it to someone else, use the make dist target of the makefile. This saves only the necesary files, and not all the object files or binaries you may have generated. It then tars up the results and gzips them for your convenience.
make dist also prompts you for a new version number. It modifies the current version number (which is printed out in the OUT and PW_LOG files, and shows up at the top of this documentation. It also updates the time stamp, which shows up in the OUT and PW_LOG files. Then it names the tarball after the new version number. You can, of course, give it the same name as the old version, but if you change the number you will be able to keep track of which binary originated from which version of the code.
WARNING! make dist assumes your source code directory is called ``paratec''. If you keep it in a directory with any other name, these may end up saving the wrong source code, or doing something else nasty.
If you add a new file to paratec, make sure to add it to the lists in the Makefile for the dist target.