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The case of an orthogonal basis

In the special case of an orthogonal basis $\{ D \}$ there is no distinction between covariant and contravariant quantities with respect to the expansion coefficients of this basis, and as such we use Latin suffixes to denote them: $D_{i}(\mathbf{r})$. In this case, Eq. (24) becomes

c'^{\ }_{i \alpha} = c^{\ }_{i \alpha} - \lambda
\sum_{j} x^{-1}_{ij} g_{j}^{\ \beta} S^{\ }_{\beta \alpha},
\end{displaymath} (30)

where we have defined $g_{j}^{\ \beta} \equiv \partial E / \partial c^{\ast}_{j\beta}$.

Let $\mathbf{F}$ be that unitary transformation which diagonalises the (Hermitian) matrix $\mathbf{x}$, i.e., $\mathbf{FxF^{\dagger}} = \mathbf{\tilde{x}}$, where $\mathbf{\tilde{x}}$ is a matrix with eigenvalues $\xi_{p}$ on its diagonal:

\tilde{x}_{pq} = \xi_{p}\delta_{pq} .
\end{displaymath} (31)

Denoting transformed variables by $\tilde{v}_{p} = \sum_{j} F_{pj}
v_{j}$, we apply $\mathbf{F}$ to Eq. (30) to obtain

\tilde{c}'^{\ }_{p\alpha} = \tilde{c}^{\ }_{p\alpha} -
\la...{x}^{-1}_{pq} \tilde{g}_{q}^{\ \beta} S^{\ }_{\beta \alpha}.
\end{displaymath} (32)

From Eq. (31) we see that $\tilde{x}^{-1}_{pq} =
\xi^{-1}_{p} \delta_{pq}$ is diagonal, hence Eq. (32) becomes
\tilde{c}'^{\ }_{p\alpha} = \tilde{c}^{\ }_{p\alpha} - \lamb...
...}{\xi^{\ }_{p}} \tilde{g}_{p}^{\ \beta} S^{\ }_{\beta \alpha}.
\end{displaymath} (33)

In other words, for the case of an orthogonal basis $\{ D \}$, the transformed gradient is preconditioned by premultiplying by a diagonal matrix of inverse eigenvalues $\xi^{-1}_{p}$. Post-multiplication by the overlap matrix $\mathbf{S}$ is still present in order to account for the nonorthogonality of the localized functions $\{ \phi \}$.

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Arash Mostofi 2003-10-28