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3.1 Density-functional theory
In this section we will describe the remarkable theorems of density-functional
theory (DFT) which allow us to find ground-state properties of a system
without dealing directly with the many-electron state
. We
deal with a system of
electrons moving in a static potential, and adopt
a conventional normalisation in which
As a result of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, the Coulomb potential
arising from the nuclei is treated as a static external potential
(3.1) |
We define the remainder of the electronic Hamiltonian given in
(2.19) as
(3.2) |
such that
(3.3) |
is the
same for all
-electron systems, so that the Hamiltonian, and hence the
, are completely determined by
. The ground-state
for this Hamiltonian gives
rise to a ground-state electronic density
(3.4) |
Thus the ground-state
and density
are both functionals of the number of electrons
the external potential
Density-functional theory, introduced in 1964 by Hohenberg and Kohn
[16], makes two remarkable statements.
Thus the problem of solving the Schrödinger equation for non-degenerate
ground-states can be recast into a variational problem of minimising the
with respect to
-representable densities.
It should be noted that simple counter-examples of
densities have been found [17,18,19],
but this restriction and the non-degeneracy requirement are overcome by
the constrained search formulation.
Following Levy [20,21] we define a functional of the
for the operator
(defined above) as:
F[n] = \mathop{\rm min}\limits _{\vert \Psi \rangle \rightarrow n}
\langle \Psi \vert {\hat F} \vert \Psi \rangle
\end{displaymath}](img202.gif) |
(3.9) |
i.e. the functional takes the minimum value of the expectation value with
respect to all states
which give the density
For a system with external potential
and ground-state
with energy
, consider a state
-electron state which yields density
and minimises
E_V[n] = F[n] + \int {\mathrm d}{\bf r}~n({\bf r}) V({\bf r}...
...Psi_{[n]} \vert ({\hat F} + {\hat V}) \vert \Psi_{[n]} \rangle
\end{displaymath}](img205.gif) |
(3.10) |
but since
, by the variational
principle we obtain
E_V[n] \geq E_0
\end{displaymath}](img207.gif) |
(3.11) |
with equality only if
. This holds for
all densities which can be obtained from an
-electron wave-function
-representable). But from the
definition of
(3.9) we must also have
F[n_0] \leq \langle \Psi_0 \vert {\hat F} \vert \Psi_0 \rangle
\end{displaymath}](img209.gif) |
(3.12) |
must be one of states which yields
E_V[n_0] \leq E_0
\end{displaymath}](img211.gif) |
(3.13) |
which when combined with (3.11) gives the desired result that
Thus the ground-state density
minimises the functional
and the minimum value is the ground-state electronic energy. Note that the
requirement for non-degeneracy of the ground-state has disappeared, and
further that instead of considering only
-representable densities, we
can now consider
-representable densities. The requirements of
-representability are much weaker and satisfied by any
well-behaved density, indeed the only condition [22] is
proper differentiability i.e. that the quantity
is real and finite.
The remarkable results of density-functional theory are the existence of the
universal functional
, which is independent of the external potential,
and that instead of dealing with a function of
variables (the
many-electron wave-function) we can instead deal with a function of only three
variables (the density). The complexity of the problem has thus been much
reduced, and we note here that this complexity now scales linearly with
, so that quantum-mechanical calculations based on
density-functional theory can in principle be performed with an effort which
scales linearly with system-size.
The exact form of the universal functional
is unknown. The Thomas-Fermi
functional [23,24,25]
F_{\mathrm{TF}}[n] = \frac{3}{10} \left( 3 \pi^2 \right)^{
2... r}) n({\bf r'})}{\left\vert {\bf r} - {\bf r'} \right\vert}
\end{displaymath}](img215.gif) |
(3.14) |
can, with hindsight, be viewed as a tentative approximation to this
universal functional, but fails to provide even qualitatively correct
predictions for systems other than isolated atoms [26,27] although recent, more accurate developments [28,29,30,31,32]
have led to the implementation of linear-scaling orbital-free methods for
nearly-free electron metals.
The failure to find accurate expressions for the density-functional is a
result of the complexity of the many-body problem which is at the heart of the
definition of the universal functional. For the electron gas, a system of
many interacting particles,
the effects of exchange and correlation are crucial to an accurate
description of its behaviour. In a non-interacting system, the
antisymmetry of the wave-function requires that particles with the same spin
distinct orthogonal orbitals, and this results in the particles becoming
spatially separated. In an interacting system such as the electron gas
in which all the particles repel each other, exchange will thus lead to a
lowering of the energy. Moreover, the interactions cause the motion of the
particles to become correlated to further reduce the energy of interaction.
Thus it is impossible to treat the electrons as independent particles.
These effects are completely neglected by the Thomas-Fermi model, and must
in part account for its failure, the other source of error being the local approximation for the kinetic energy.
In order to take advantage of the power of DFT without sacrificing accuracy
(i.e. including exchange and correlation effects) we follow the method
of Kohn and Sham [33] to map the problem of the system of
interacting electrons onto a fictitious system of non-interacting ``electrons''.
We write the variational problem for the Hohenberg-Kohn density-functional,
introducing a Lagrange multiplier
to constrain the number of
electrons to be
\delta \left[ F[n] + \int {\mathrm d}{\bf r}~V_{\mathrm{ext}...
...( \int {\mathrm d}{\bf r}~n({\bf r}) - N \right)
\right] = 0 .
\end{displaymath}](img217.gif) |
(3.15) |
Kohn and Sham separated
into three parts
F[n] = T_{\mathrm s}[n] + \frac{1}{2} \int {\mathrm d}{\bf r...
...left\vert {\bf r} - {\bf r'}
\right\vert} + E_{\mathrm{xc}}[n]
\end{displaymath}](img218.gif) |
(3.16) |
in which
is defined as the kinetic energy of a
non-interacting gas with density
(not the same as that of the
interacting system, although we might hope that the two quantities were of
the same order of magnitude), the second term is the classical electrostatic
(Hartree) energy and the final term is an implicit definition of the
exchange-correlation energy which contains the non-classical electrostatic
interaction energy and the difference between the kinetic energies of
the interacting and non-interacting systems. The aim of this separation is
that the first two terms can be dealt with simply, and the last term, which
contains the effects of the complex behaviour, is a small fraction of the
total energy and can be approximated surprisingly well.
Using this separation, equation 3.15 can be rewritten:
\frac{\delta T_{\mathrm s}[n]}{\delta n({\bf r})} + V_{\mathrm{KS}}({\bf r}) =
\end{displaymath}](img220.gif) |
(3.17) |
in which the Kohn-Sham potential
is given by
(3.18) |
and the exchange-correlation potential
V_{\mathrm{xc}}({\bf r}) = \frac{ \delta E_{\mathrm{xc}}[n] }
{ \delta n({\bf r}) } .
\end{displaymath}](img224.gif) |
(3.19) |
The crucial point to note here is that equation 3.17 is
precisely the same equation
which would be obtained for a non-interacting system of particles moving in
an external potential
. To find the ground-state
for this non-interacting system we simply solve the one-electron
Schrödinger equations;
\left[ -\textstyle{1 \over 2} \nabla^2 + V_{\mathrm{KS}}({\bf r}) \right]
\psi_i({\bf r}) = \varepsilon_i \psi_i({\bf r})
\end{displaymath}](img225.gif) |
(3.20) |
single-particle states3.1
, constructing the density from
(3.21) |
(the factor 2 is for spin degeneracy - we assume the orbitals are
singly-occupied) and the non-interacting kinetic energy
T_{\mathrm s}[n] = - \sum_{i=1}^{N/2}
\int {\mathrm d}{\bf r}~\psi_i^{\ast}({\bf r}) \nabla^2 \psi_i({\bf r}) .
\end{displaymath}](img230.gif) |
(3.22) |
Since the Kohn-Sham potential
depends upon the
it is necessary to solve these equations self-consistently
i.e. having made a guess for the form of the density, the Schrödinger
equation is solved to obtain a set of orbitals
which a new density is constructed, and the process repeated until the input
and output densities are the same. In practice there is no problem
converging to the ground-state minimum because of the convex nature of the
density-functional [34].
The energy of the non-interacting system, the sum of one-electron
eigenvalues, is
which, compared to the interacting system, double-counts the Hartree energy and
over-counts the exchange-correlation energy so that the interacting
energy is
E = 2 \sum_{i=1}^{N/2} \varepsilon_i - \frac{1}{2} \int {\ma...
... r}~n({\bf r}) V_{\mathrm{xc}}({\bf r}) +
E_{\mathrm{xc}}[n] .
\end{displaymath}](img235.gif) |
(3.24) |
Direct solution of the Schrödinger equation for the
extended non-interacting
requires a computational effort which scales
as the cube of the system-size
, due to the cost of diagonalising the
Hamiltonian or orthogonalising the orbitals, whereas the original complexity of
finding a minimum of the Hohenberg-Kohn functional only required an effort
which scaled linearly with
. Thus a linear-scaling method must modify
this Kohn-Sham scheme.
The results so far are exact, provided that the functional form of
known. The problem of determining the functional form of the universal
Hohenberg-Kohn density functional has now been transferred to this one term,
and therefore this term is not known exactly.
Remarkably, it is possible to make simple approximations for the
exchange-correlation energy which work extremely well, and the simplest of
these, which is the approximation adopted in this work, is the local
density approximation (LDA).
In the LDA, the contribution to the exchange-correlation energy from each
infinitesimal volume in space,
, is taken to be the value
it would have if the whole of space were filled with a homogeneous electron
gas with the same density as is found in
E_{\mathrm{xc}}[n] = \int {\mathrm d}{\bf r}~\epsilon_{\mathrm{xc}}\left(
n({\bf r})\right)
n({\bf r})
\end{displaymath}](img238.gif) |
(3.25) |
is the
exchange-correlation energy per electron in a homogeneous electron gas of
. The exchange-correlation potential
then takes the form
V_{\mathrm{xc}}({\bf r}) = \frac{\delta E_{\mathrm{xc}}[n]}{...
...c}}\left(n\right)}{{\mathrm d}n} \right\vert _{n=n({\bf r})} .
\end{displaymath}](img240.gif) |
(3.26) |
The exchange-correlation energy for the homogeneous electron gas has been
calculated by Ceperley and Alder [35] using Monte Carlo
and in this work we use a parameterisation by Perdew and Zunger
[36]. The LDA is exact in the limit of slowly-varying
densities, however, the density in systems of interest is generally rapidly
varying, and the LDA would appear to be a crude approximation in these
cases. Its use is justified a posteriori by its surprising success
at predicting physical properties in real systems.
This success may be due in part to the fact that the sum rule for the
exchange-correlation hole, which must be obeyed by the real functional, is
reproduced by the LDA [37].
We can connect the interacting and non-interacting
systems using a variable coupling constant
which varies between 0
and 1.
We replace the Coulomb interaction by
and vary
in the presence of an external potential
so that the ground-state density for all values of
is the same
The Hamiltonian is therefore
(3.27) |
The exchange-correlation hole
defined in terms of a coupling-constant integration of the pair
correlation function
of the system with
and scaled Coulomb interaction
n_{\mathrm{xc}}({\bf r},{\bf r'}) = n({\bf r'}) \int_0^1
{\mathrm d}\lambda \left[ g({\bf r},{\bf r'};\lambda) - 1 \right] .
\end{displaymath}](img247.gif) |
(3.28) |
The exchange-correlation energy can then be expressed in the form of a
classical electrostatic interaction between the density
the hole density
E_{\mathrm{xc}}[n] = \frac{1}{2} \int {\mathrm d}{\bf r}~{\m... r},{\bf r'})}
{\left\vert {\bf r} - {\bf r'} \right\vert} .
\end{displaymath}](img248.gif) |
(3.29) |
The sum rule follows from the definition of the pair correlation function
(3.30) |
which is interpreted by saying that the exchange-correlation hole
excludes one electron as expected. It can also be shown that the exchange-correlation energy
depends only weakly on the detailed shape of the exchange-correlation hole
[42], and these two facts account, at least in part,
for the success of the LDA.
This view is supported by the fact that improvements to the LDA involving
gradient expansions show no consistent improvement unless they enforce the sum
rule obeyed by the LDA [43,44].
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Peter Haynes