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Previous: Band structures and wavefunctions
Current research focuses mainly on polymers with band gaps smaller
than our forecasts for BN polymers. However, it is desirable to have
polymers with band gaps spanning the whole spectral range, from
infrared to ultraviolet, thus expanding the possibilities for
nanotechnology applications.
By combining carbon and BN monomers in the same chain, one-dimensional
superlattices or copolymers can be created. By analogy with
conventional semiconductor superlattices and quantum wells, we expect
to be able to tune the gap by varying the lengths of the BN and carbon
segments. Copolymers derived from borazine and silazane have been
successfully synthesized [52] as precursors to SiNCB
ceramics. Our study focuses on the electronic properties of carbon
and BN copolymers, and allows us to investigate the performance of
polymers made up of a mixture of organic and inorganic
monomers. Indeed, it is also possible to tune the band gaps using
conjugated oligomers of different lengths [53] or polymers where the
conjugation is broken by adding different components. The systems we
propose here are characterized by essentially the same polymer
structure over their entire length. Given the difference in band gap
between the carbon and BN systems, the range of band gap tuning will
be fairly large, thus covering a large region of the spectrum and
being of interest for a wide range of applications.
Figure 6:
Band gaps for copolymers with different numbers of
BN monomers between the carbon
regions and for carbon oligomers.
The variation of the band gap is shown in Fig. 6, where the
calculated energy gaps for copolymers of PPP and PBZ are shown as a
function of the number of PPP monomers.
There are three sets of data
differing in the number of BN monomers in between the carbon regions,
and one set of data for the carbon oligomers. As expected, all the
energy gaps of these copolymers lie in between the pure PPP and PBZ
values (1.81 and 4.66 eV respectively, if calculated within
DFT-LDA). Although these results suffer from the LDA-DFT
underestimation of the band gap and the neglection of the
electron-hole interaction, they clearly show a tuning trend.
Figure 7:
LUMO (top) and HOMO (bottom) wavefunctions for the 3-1 copolymer.
Figure 8:
LUMO (top) and HOMO (bottom) wavefunctions for the 3-2 copolymer.
Fig. 7 shows the HOMO and LUMO states for the 3-1
copolymer, i.e. made of three monomers of carbon separated by one
monomer of BN. Fig. 8 shows the same states but
for the case of the 3-2 copolymer. Because of the large difference in
the BN and C gaps, we expect that the HOMO and LUMO states should be
confined mainly within the carbon segment.
Of course,
the larger the BN segments are, the more definite the confinement is
and the less tunnelling which occurs.
This is evident for the structures shown:
in the case of the 3-1 copolymer, there is significant
spilling of the otherwise confined wavefunctions into the BN segment,
resulting in a continuous wavefunction along the entire copolymer.
When the length of the BN segment becomes significant,
the band gap essentially depends on the length of the carbon segments.
The characters of the HOMO and LUMO states in
these copolymers, except for the confinement, are essentially the same
as the ones shown for the PPP polymer in Fig. 4.
The energy cost for the formation of the
copolymers was calculated to be
about 1 eV per unit cell, independent of the carbon
polymer length. This suggests that the dominant cost is related
to the formation of the C-B and C-N bonds at the interfaces between
segments of the different copolymers.
Since the BN monomer lacks inversion symmetry, the two interfaces that
each BN region makes in a copolymer are different, being either a C-N
or a B-C bond. This results in a different charge distribution at the
two interfaces. In Fig. 8, the HOMO state resides
mostly in the carbon region, but is weighted towards the end bonded to
the nitrogen atom with significant weight on the nitrogen itself. On
the other hand, the LUMO state is weighted towards the opposite end of
the region close to the boron atom.
Figure 9:
LUMO (top), HOMO (center) and HOMO-1 (bottom)
wavefunctions for the 2-1 copolymer with
opposite orientation of the BN monomers.
By alternating the orientation of consecutive BN regions, thus
doubling the unit cell, it is possible to create inequivalent carbon
regions, one terminated by a boron atom at each end and the other by
nitrogen atoms. Fig. 9 shows such model for the 2-1
copolymer. For this arrangement, all wavefunctions are completely
symmetric with respect to the center of the carbon region as
expected. The last two occupied states (HOMO and HOMO-1)
have wavefunctions with
essentially the same character, similar to the HOMO of PPP, but
localized in the two inequivalent carbon regions. The HOMO-1
(with energy -1.2 eV)
is localized in the carbon region interfaced by
the boron atoms, whereas the HOMO (0 eV) is localized in the carbon region
interfaced by nitrogen atoms. An interesting fact is that the HOMO and
LUMO states are confined within different carbon regions
as shown in Fig. 9. This will
certainly affect the excited state behaviour,
since there is
practically no overlap between the electrons and the holes which make
the exciton state. The energy gap of 2.0 eV for this 2-1 copolymer is
significantly smaller that band gap
(2.6 eV) for the 2-1 copolymer with BN region oriented in
the same direction, which we report in Fig. 6.
Following a similar idea, DFT calculations have recently
been performed to
investigate the properties of BN/C nanotube superlattices,
which could be used for band-offset nanodevice engineering,
polarization-based devices and robust field emitters [54].
Next: Mixed crystals
Up: Material design from first
Previous: Band structures and wavefunctions
Peter D. Haynes