Next: Conclusion
Up: Material design from first
Previous: Copolymers as one-dimensional superlattices
It is also interesting to
mix carbon and BN polymers in the solid
state, to explore properties with potential
technological applications.
The interactions between graphitic sheets are known
to be comparable for both carbon and BN,
giving rise
to similar interlayer spacings in graphite,
graphitic BN and their mixtures. This has been observed
nanoparticles and nanotubes made out of carbon and BN sheets
There are indications [56] that similar interactions
are also present in
the solid phase of PBZ, consisting of a layered structure with spacings
between 3.4-3.7 Å.
We have calculated the structural and electronic properties of the
crystal phases of a mixture of carbon and BN polymers,
assuming that,
since the
carbon and BN monomers are very similar in length
and the polymers probably have similar inter-chain interactions,
they could be
combined in the same crystal.
The starting crystal structures, then relaxed,
were those of the carbon phases.
One of two polymer chains in the orthorhombic
(space group
) crystal cell
of PPP
was replaced by its BN equivalent, thus creating a mixed crystal.
A similar procedure was also applied to
using the monoclinic structure with
Upon relaxation of the lattice parameters and
atomic coordinates, using a
-point grid, we
found no significant deviation from the initial configurations:
the chains remained separated with small variations in the cell volume.
Figure 10:
Electronic densities of states (DOS) for the mixed solids of PPP/PBZ
(left) and PPV/PVB (right). The zero of the energy corresponds to the
Fermi level.
In Fig. 10 the electronic densities,
projected onto the carbon (bottom panels) and BN (top panels) chains,
are shown for both crystals.
As for the isolated polymer chains,
the energy gap between occupied and unoccupied states is
larger for the BN chain than for the carbon one.
On both the
occupied and unoccupied sides of the gap, the carbon states are closer
to the Fermi level than the BN ones,
suggesting that
electrons and holes will reside predominantly on
the carbon polymers in the mixed crystals.
This would result in
larger ionization energies
and lower electron affinities for the BN chains than for the carbon
In a hypothetical mixed device
of carbon
and BN polymers, holes could be injected into the BN system and
would then be transferred to the carbon system.
Next: Conclusion
Up: Material design from first
Previous: Copolymers as one-dimensional superlattices
Peter D. Haynes