Next: 7.5 Occupation number preconditioning
Up: 7. Computational implementation
Previous: 7.3 Penalty functional and
7.4 Physical interpretation
At this stage we examine the energy gradients derived in section
7.2. At the minimum of the total functional
\frac{\partial Q[\rho;\alpha]}{\partial K^{\alpha \beta}} = ...
...a} + 2 \alpha \left[ SKS(1-KS)(1-2KS) \right]_{\beta
\alpha} .
\end{displaymath}](img1001.gif) |
(7.44) |
Making the Löwdin transformation of this gradient into the representation
of a set of orthonormal
orbitals (using the results of section 4.6) yields
2 S^{1 \over 2} \left[ {\tilde H} + \alpha {\tilde K} (1 - {\tilde K})
(1 - 2 {\tilde K}) \right] S^{1 \over 2} = 0
\end{displaymath}](img1002.gif) |
(7.45) |
which (pre- and post-multiplying by
) simplifies to
{\tilde H} + \alpha {\tilde K} (1 - {\tilde K})
(1 - 2 {\tilde K}) = 0 .
\end{displaymath}](img1003.gif) |
(7.46) |
This result shows that at the minimum,
can be
diagonalised simultaneously, and will therefore commute. The result of
the variation of the density-kernel is to make the density-matrix commute
with the Hamiltonian in the representation of the current support functions.
Transforming to the diagonal frame by making a
unitary transformation (the eigenvalues of
those of
) we obtain the following
\varepsilon_i + \alpha f_i (1 - f_i)
(1 - 2 f_i) = 0.
\end{displaymath}](img1004.gif) |
(7.47) |
For the derivative with respect to the support functions we have
\frac{\delta Q[\rho;\alpha]}{\partial \phi_{\alpha}({\bf r})...
...K(1-SK)(1-2SK)]^{\alpha \beta}
\right\} \phi_{\beta}({\bf r})
\end{displaymath}](img1005.gif) |
(7.48) |
which can again be transformed first into an orthonormal representation
defined by the Löwdin transformation:
\varphi_{\alpha}({\bf r}) = \phi_{\beta}({\bf r}) S_{\beta \alpha}^{-{1 \over 2}}
\end{displaymath}](img1006.gif) |
(7.49) |
to obtain
Assuming that we have performed the minimisation with respect to the
density-kernel for the current support functions, transforming to the
representation which simultaneously
diagonalises the Hamiltonian and density-matrix, by the unitary
which is a Kohn-Sham-like equation, but where the energy eigenvalue
does not explicitly appear since no orthonormalisation
constraint is explicitly applied. Using equation 7.47, however,
\frac{\delta Q[\rho;\alpha]}{\delta \psi_i({\bf r})} = 0 =
4 f_i \left[ {\hat H} - \varepsilon_i \right]\psi_i({\bf r})
\end{displaymath}](img1016.gif) |
(7.52) |
and so, at least for
, we see that the support function
variations are equivalent to making the related wave-functions obey the
Kohn-Sham equations.
The factor of
will slow this convergence for unoccupied bands, since
the gradient is small. In the next section (7.5) we therefore turn our attention to a potential method for eliminating this
Next: 7.5 Occupation number preconditioning
Up: 7. Computational implementation
Previous: 7.3 Penalty functional and
Peter Haynes